Friday, April 25, 2008

5 years with Jesus

today is a monumentally important day for me. 5 years ago exactly I was a freshman at the University of Oklahoma. I was lost- completely lost. No major, no anchor, no certainty. My life consisted of eating as little as possible, dating as much as capable and filling every spare second of my time so I wouldnt have to be alone- thinking about the void in my heart. Alone- so alone.

Oh, how He has changed me!

April 25th, 2003. Although He had chosen me before the world was created- that is the day He chose to show Himself. To save me. To come riding in on His white horse, pick me up in His Arms and whisper, "you are mine, I'm jealous for your heart, time and affections. No more of this, Tania- today, and for life eternal you are Mine."

Who can resist the call of The Lord?

I could not. If you know the story of how I became saved that day- you will know what I mean when I say He called, I resisted. He called, I fled in sheer terror. He called, I crumbled, broke down, feel to my knees and became His. If you dont know my salvation experience- you might not believe me! It is a tale so large, wonderous and incredible that I can't believe it happened.

But it did. I am His.

What an adventure we starred on that day 5 years ago my Lord! You stood beside me as I fought for us in front of my parents who still do not know you or understand. You wiped my tears as my "party friends" turned their backs one by one. And you were there always- preserving my innocence and purity to give to my husband no matter how many times I tried to give it away. Thank you for knowing not only my old self and the current but the woman I would become in you. You are so Gracious and Wise Jesus!!

On this day, our 5 year anniversary I re-commit my life and love to You. Use me for what You will, take me where you desire, break me, build me stronger in You.

Take my heart, let it be only always all for Thee.

I am my Beloveds and He is mine. Be Glorified.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Wow! Long time, no see! Thanks for saying hi on my blog. How in the world did you find it??? I hope all is well with you, and happy 5 year with JC!

Jenny Wheelis said...

Sweet friend, THANKS for your encouragement today and for praying. So great to hear about this anniversary.. what a day to celebrate! Have someone hug you today from me! Miss you!

Hello World said...

Its amazing how he protects and prepares us for everything we will need and saves us at just the right time. He has an awesome way of using our past present and future in a great love story. Your passion for Christ is beautiful. The adventure ahead with our Lord is so exciting!!
I love you

Brighter Sunshine said...

yo girl, i finally changed your link on my blog so that means you needs to update!

Unknown said...

Hey this is Casey Misch(kolb now) from highschool! I came across your facebook page and your link to your blog. Anyways, I am so happy you found God, isn't he just amazing? What a wonderful testimony you have, thank you for sharing. Also, congrats on your engagement! You look so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

- Daniel